My father-in-law asked me today if I would help him change the struts on his 300M next weekend.
We are alway working on something in his garage... and we've never run into anything we couldn't figure out.
Would just like to have some info before jumping into it...
Any tech article's or how to's would be appreciated.Anyone changed struts on a 300m?
The easiest, and probably safest way for you to do this on your own would be to buy what they call a %26quot;quick strut%26quot; assembly. It will be a complete strut already assembled ready to install into the vehicle. It comes with the strut, spring, mounting plate and bearing all in one unit.
This will be something you'll have to get from your local chain parts store (O'Reilly's, NAPA, etc) instead of the dealer.
The quick strut assembly will cost about $200 to $300 or so for your car, instead of the $50 to $100 for just the strut itself, so it's more expensive. The benefit is it will replace the strut, the spring, mount and bearing all in one shot. That will help avoid having to take them out again to replace a worn out bearing or mount later.
I would recommend against you trying to replace just the strut itself on your own without someone there who has done them before.
Also, no matter which way you decide to go, buy a repair manual from your local parts store. You will need it to do this, it will have step-by-step instructions, and the all important torque specs for the bolts and nuts when re-assembling the parts. You certainly don't want suspension parts to come loose on you while driving!Anyone changed struts on a 300m?
First thing you will need to do is raise and support the carbehind the front wheels.Remove the two bolts that conect the strut to the spindle.then remove the three nuts that hold the strutplate to the car(under the hood)You will need strut spring compressor to colapse the springs.Once the springs are safe,remove the ritaining nut on the strut plate.DO NOT REMOVE NUT FIRST!!!This will result in serious injury.After the nut is removed slide the strut out and reverse procedure