Thursday, June 2, 2011

1999 VT Commodore - need help with terminology of parts?

Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me out with the following terminology as I'm researching how to change my front and rear radius rod bushes and have noticed that certain parts have more than one name...

Are the following types of bushes all the same thing?

- radius rod bushes

- castor bushes

- z-bar bushes

If they are the same thing, does that mean the radius rod, castor (or castor bar?), and z-bar are all the same thing?

Are any of the following parts the same, or all completely different? Any labelled diagrams of the underside of a car would be very helpful.

- radius rods

- control arm

- strut

- k-frame

I've also read about a lower control arm - is there an upper control arm?

Lastly, if I was to change the front radius rod bushes, would doing the rear radius rod bushes be pretty much the same? Is either end more difficult?

A lot of questions at once, I know. Some help with any of them would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!1999 VT Commodore - need help with terminology of parts?
The easiest answer I can give (And the same answer I have given to each one of your questions) is


Most people can explain all these answers to you, but unless you have a picture of the items in front of you, it will make no difference me telling you that the Z bar attaches to the front of the car, and goes back to the lower control arm, which attaches to the K frame. There is no upper control arm on any commodore because they all have a mcpherson strut.

Honestly. Buy a manual, open to the front suspension page and get a full break down of the whole front suspension.